About Us
Trial Lawyers Ready To Fight For You
Purschke, White & Briegel LLC is your local legal resource. Whether you need an attorney to defend you from criminal charges, lawyers to handle your bankruptcy or estate plan, or an advocate who will zealously represent you in a personal injury lawsuit — call us, we’re ready for you.
- Criminal Traffic and DWI Defense
- Divorce, Child Custody and Child Support
- Personal Injury
- Litigation
- Social Security Disability Appeals
- Criminal Traffic and DWI Defense
- Divorce, Child Custody and Child Support
- Personal Injury
- Workers Compensation
- Bankruptcy & Debt Relief
- Debt Collector Abuse
- Collector Lawsuit Defense
- Criminal Traffic & DWI Defense
- Family Law
- Personal Injury
- Criminal Defense & Expungements
- Landlord-Tenant
- Family Law
- Personal Injury
- Wills Esates and Probate